
Nursing Assistant

Page history last edited by Beth Mandrell 8 years, 6 months ago


Library Guides:  Nursing Assistant


Accessing my account


To use the databases on the electronic resources (https://www.rlc.edu/learning-resource-center/electronic-library/a-z-electronic-resources) you will need to log in using your Student Account Information.  If you have not received a login user name or password, please contact the Rend Lake College Help Desk by calling ext. 1259. 



Books on medical and nursing subjects can be found in the nonfiction  and reference collection.  The reference collection does not circulate but you can make copies of pages from these books.  The nursing books have a stripe of pink tape on the spine to help make them more recognizable.  The call numbers for Allied Health books fall between 610-618.  You can search for the books by using the I'll Share It catalog  found on the Electronic Library. You can also access electronic books (ebooks) about nursing in the  EBSCohost ebook database.






Electronic Library



American Academiy of Pediatrics

American Hospital Directory


Federal Drug Administration


Mayo Clinic



HSDB Haz Sub Data Bank


National Cancer Institute

National Institutes of Health

National Library of Medicine

National Women's Health Information Center

Physician Select


SIU School of Medicine Library

A User's Guide to Finding and Evaluating Health Information on the Web

Web Anatomy



The databases listed below will help you find articles about medicine and healthcare and can be found through the Electronic Library.  They are only accessible by current RLC students and staff.



Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition





The Rend Lake College Learning Resource Center (LRC) currently subscribes to the following medical/nursing journals.  These publications can be found on the periodical shelves in the LRC.








These periodicals can be found in the LRC.  They do not circulate but a copier is available should you need copies of articles.  Contact 437.5321 x1276 if you need more information.

Citing Sources:


MLA & APA Style:


Purdue University Online Writing Lab - http://owl.english.purdue.edu/




Plagiarism Awareness



  Contact Us                                                                                                            


Give the library a call if you need help finding any of these resources.                   


Library Hours:

7:30 am - 7 pm Monday - Thursday                                                                                                  

7:30 am - 4 pm Friday


(618) 437-5321

Circulation - 1308

Collection Development

1249  Reference - 1276



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