

Page history last edited by Beth Mandrell 8 years ago




Welcome to Library Guides: Film Critique


This guide will be helpful in finding information about film and film analysis.



AFI 100 Best Films - http://www.filmsite.org/

Bob Ager's Collative Learning - http://www.collativelearning.com/FILMS%20reviews%20BY%20ROB%20AGER.html

Bright Lights Film Journal - http://www.brightlightsfilm.com/

IMDB – www.imdb.com

Movie Review Query Engine - http://www.mrqe.com/

Roger Ebert – www.rogerebert.com

Rotten Tomatoes - http://www.rottentomatoes.com/

The New York Times Review - http://movies.nytimes.com/ref/movies/reviews/index.htm



In order to access the databases mentioned in this guide, you must be currently enrolled as a student at Rend Lake College.

America's Newspapers

Credo Reference - reference book sources

Journal Finder


 Rend Lake College owns several documentaries within the audiovisual material in the library. Also, check out the websites listed below to visit free documentaries online.


Critical Analysis of Documentary Films - http://www.uwec.edu/ranowlan/questions_crit_documentary.htm

Movies found online.com - http://www.moviesfoundonline.com/

Sports- top documentary films - http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/category/sports/

Top 100 documentaries - http://movies.sky.com/gallery-100-best-documentaries

Top Documentary Films - http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/

Books: These books can be found in the LRC at Rend Lake College

Adaptation Studying Film & Literature - 791.43 M465a - Non-fiction stacks


Film Analysis: A Norton Reader - 791.43 F487fi - Non-fiction stacks



RLC subscribes to these print titles which may be helpful in finding reviews of various films.

New Yorker


Wall Street Journal

Film Analysis: 

Here are some examples of film analysis found on the Internet. 


Clockwork Orange:

A Psychological Analysis of Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange 



A Clockwork Orange - Rob Ager's analysis 1 of 3



Critics Corner: A guide to film critique - http://www.mecfilms.com/critic1.htm


How to write a movie critique:



How to Critique a Movie: A short guide for amateur film critics - http://www.whitcraftlearningsolutions.com/Resources/How-To-Critique-A-Movie.pdf


Film Analysis Study Guide.org




Movie Critique - http://www.fresno.k12.ca.us/divdept/sscience/history/movie_critique.htm

Movie Making


Windows Live Movie Maker 2011 - http://explore.live.com/windows-live-movie-maker

Movie Maker Video Editing tutorial - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZXK68NS7gU  


Citing Sources:

Here is are some examples of  citations for film.


Films or Movies

"List films (in theaters or not yet on DVD or video) by their title. Include the name of the director, the film studio or distributor, and the release year. If relevant, list performer names after the director’s name. Use the abbreviation perf. to head the list. List film as the medium of publication. To cite a DVD or other video recording, see “Recorded Films and Movies” below" (Purdue University, 2011).


The King's Speech. Dir. Tom Hooper. Perf. Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Helena Bonham 

       Carter. The Weinstein Company, 2011 . Film.


Recorded Films or Movies

"List films by their title.  Include the name of the director, the distributor, and the release year.  If relevant, list performer names after the director’s name.  Use the abbreviation perf. to head the list.  End the entry with the appropriate medium of publication (e.g. DVD, VHS, Laser disc)" (Purdue University, 2011).


Sicko. Dir. Michael Moore. Dog Eat Dog Films, 2007. DVD.


 Purdue University. (2011). MLA works cited: Other common sources. OWL Purdue Online

       Writing Lab. Web. Retrieved, September 28, 2011,  

        from http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/09/. 

Here is an additional website that you can use for citing examples.



Purdue University Online Writing Lab - http://owl.english.purdue.edu/




Contact Us:


Give the library a call if you need help finding any of these resources.  


Library Hours:

7:30 am - 7 pm Monday - Thursday

7:30 am - 4 pm Friday


(618) 437-5321

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